Monday, February 13, 2017

Intro...Tidal Power...

The Tide is the most powerful engine on Earth.

Driven by the Moon's gravity, the inexhaustible force of The Tide will provide clean energy forever.

It's time to harness The Motion Of The Ocean.

Tidal Power is a boundless gift of Nature.

This infinite natural resource is ours to utilize.

All the energy we could ever use is right in front of our eyes.

Tidal Power is the primal source, an untapped gift of nature with infinite potential.

The idea that we can simply harness the tide to produce cheap electricity seems so simple and obvious it can’t be real, it's just too good to be true.

If Tidal Power is this easy, why hasn't it been done?

No one has yet developed an efficient, consistently productive design.

Shoreline Earth Tidal Power Generator #1 will evolve into an inexpensive, highly efficient, easily installed, plug and play power source for coastal locations around the world.

More importantly, the success of generator #1 will stimulate further development in the field of Tidal Power.

I expect my early concepts to be obsolete within a few years, as fresh young minds expand the idea, and improve the design.

Looking forward twenty years, undersea generators will be ubiquitous.

We cannot over-utilize this natural resource.

Nothing is consumed, no pollution is produced, and there is no noise.

Unlike wind generators, #1 sits silently on the sea bottom, out of sight, out of mind.

Think about it.

The most powerful engine on this planet surrounds us, ready to fulfill our energy needs.

It’s time to benefit from this awesome force by harnessing The Motion Of The Ocean.

Shoreline Earth...2.1.2017...

smythspace at gmail dot com 

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