Saturday, January 3, 2015

Sea Level Rise is Humanity's Common Denominator...

Here's something we all have in common.

We all need access to The Ocean.

Maritime Commerce makes the big wheel turn.

It's the lifeline of The Global Economy.

International Trade starts and ends at The Shoreline.

If Sea Level Rise reaches the projected two foot level, container ports all over The Planet will be negatively affected.

This makes Sea Level Rise the Common Denominator that should pull us all together.

The basics of 21st Century life arrive via fleets of container ships.

If ports and coastal infrastructure are inundated, ships will not be able to transport goods.

Without the constant flow, we'll be in a minute by minute war for survival.

We won't have time to battle over our political and religious differences.

We'll be too busy fighting tooth and nail over every last crumb.


Unless we come up with a unified Global outlook on Sea Level Rise, we are up the proverbial creek without a paddle.

And there's a raging wall of water rushing relentlessly toward us.

There can be no unified outlook as long as we don't know what to expect.

It is of critical importance to all Humanity that we devote our full attention to the Sea Level Rise situation...NOW!

Science must learn to make pertinent information available in the vernacular.

The web will devour, digest, and disseminate this info in the language of the people. 

Then we can arrive at common awareness of this soon to be common problem.

Sea Level Rise is real now!

It affects everybody, and there are no answers.

Click below for a suggestion.

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