Monday, October 17, 2016

#1...Wildcatting The Tide...

Going back in time...

RE Tidal Power…

This plan was devised and developed in Lynn, Massachusetts, a city of about 100K on the coastline between Boston and Gloucester, about ten miles North of Boston.

I grew up in Lynn.

This struggling community needs a boost.

Lynn presents the perfect situation for my project, with necessary infrastructure directly on the ocean. 

It's the ideal place to develop and market this product.

Announcing Shoreline Earth Tidal Power Generator #1…

This “Plug And Play” unit will consistently deliver 5Mw for less than $1 million/Mw.

It has become obvious that none of the current Tidal projects will ever produce anything more than short term, one off jobs in the development sector.

No benefits to the energy consuming public will ever come to fruition.

The industry has become an incestuous exercise, in which a few companies pass designs, patents, and techniques back and forth, producing no beneficial results.

Tidal Power, as offered by Open Hydro, Atlantis, and a few others cannot possibly produce successfully in the competitive world of alternative energy.


It’s time to spill the beans on Tidal Power and give the public a look at what we are missing by ignoring this amazingly simple technology.

Take a look.

“Catch And Release The Motion Of The Ocean”

The Ocean is an infinite source of clean energy.

The Tide is the most powerful engine on Earth.

Nothing is consumed, no toxic pollutants are released into the atmosphere, and it never stops.

A perpetual engine, with unfathomable energy, is right before our eyes, waiting to go to work forever.

Why haven’t we learned to utilize this awesome force?

There are efforts underway to develop the potential of The Tide, but they are a small afterthought in the Global Energy picture.

None of them will succeed beyond the curiosity stage, because each is unique to a single location.

Every effort relies on the belief that accelerated flow through inlets, estuaries, or other coastal choke points is necessary.

The cost benefits of mass production will never come into play as long as this narrowly focused outlook holds sway.

Shoreline Earth Tidal Power Generator #1 will change that.

5 Mw, ‘Plug And Play’ unit #1 can be installed anywhere the tide comes in and goes out over a smooth, naturally sloping bottom.

If you look at an online satellite image of Lynn, Mass., USA, you’ll see a curved stretch of shoreline featuring this exact situation.

Picture a line from the tip of Nahant to the tip of Marblehead.

The water is 60-80 feet deep with a hard scrubbed, gradually sloping bottom.

The Tide moves over the bottom at fractional MPH, but it is relentless, predictable, and carries the full torque of the Atlantic Ocean with it every minute of every day.

Torque, not speed of flow, generates power.

Slow, steady speed will produce more power than rapidly moving water.

Much like Tidal Power itself, #1 is simple and predictably reliable.

So simple, in fact, I hope and expect that by the time #1 is in production, throngs of competitors will appear with designs taking Tidal Power to the next level.

Once Tidal Power is properly understood, shows profit potential, and becomes part of the Global Energy discussion, it will develop at blinding speed.

We need a new energy source that is readily viable, long lasting, and develops at the speed of Free Enterprise, rather than that of endless University Studies and Government Bureaucracy.

#1 provides that source.

Learn how #1 will “Catch And Release The Motion Of The Ocean”.

This is going to be like first guy at the oil field with a drill in the ground very soon.

In an unprecedented move, Shoreline Earth claims the aforementioned stretch of bottom between Nahant and Marblehead.

Unless some misguided Government Official tries to stop me, thereby denying The Public access to this infinitely sustainable energy source, #1 will soon be producing clean power with zero negative impact.

Wildcatting The Tide

Welcome To Frontier USA

Steve Smyth
as relentless as The Tide and just as reliable   copy/paste


I was born with an innate inability to stay within known boundaries.

In fact, I never even recognize them until it’s too late.

Tidal Power is boundless.

A source of readily available, boundless energy surrounds us.

Even I will never reach the edge.

This is my realm.