There must be at least 10,000 people making a living by discussing and writing about Climate Change and Sea Level Rise.
9,900 of them never thought about either topic until a few years ago.
Reporting on The Climate Industry has only existed since the late part of 2007.
This is a brand new realm, but it's catching on, and developing at blinding speed.
Neither the situation nor the job of disseminating the relevant information has any precedent.
We have never been here before.
With all the aforementioned info already out there, why should you care what I have to say?
Here's one good reason.
The link below takes you to a Washington Post article, dated February 1, 2016, referencing the results of a just published scientific study showing the threat posed to US East Coast from Sea Level Rise.
Below is how I presented that info in August, 2014.
Excerpt text link for the entire piece...
"Here's one thing you can bet on.
The US East Coast is one of the areas where Ocean warming leads inevitably to Sea Level Rise.
Look at this map of Atlantic Ocean currents.
You'll see that The Gulf Stream consists of warm water traveling North.
As The Ocean warms and expands, more warm water at the surface will travel North with The Gulf Stream."
Below is a link to another piece I wrote in November of 2014.
I was able to present this news well in advance of the Washington Post piece because I have been on this case for a long time, I came into it with a lifetime of relevant knowledge, and the internet has provided me access to the top people in the field when I have a question.
Shoreline Earth is my turf.
The effects of Sea Level Rise matter greatly to me.
I do not want The Ocean and its Shoreline to become our enemy.
My interest is to figure out what is really happening, what it means to us, and what we can do to prepare.
There is no stopping an expanding Ocean.
Preparation for the most likely scenario is our best bet.
What is that most likely scenario?
Forget six feet of water in Manhattan.
Nobody on Earth will live to see that.
However, we may well see two feet of The Atlantic Ocean covering low lying portions of NYC during extreme coastal events on a regular basis.
In other words, events like Hurricane Sandy become commonplace.
Early Insight ...
That's what I offer.
Make of it what you will!

Shoreline Earth is not reporting the news.